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Articles for inclusion in the Spring edition of the church magazine should be with the editor, Alastair MacKinnon, by Sunday 16th February.
We are delighted to announce that Kilbarchan Parish Church has been awarded an Eco-Congregation Scotland Silver Award in recognition of their work and commitment to caring for creation. Eco-Congregation Scotland is a movement of Scottish church congregations, of all denominations and none, committed to addressing environmental issues through their life and mission.
The Silver award which Kilbarchan Parish Church has achieved recognises congregations which have developed a long-term commitment to promoting environmental issues as part of their congregational life.
To achieve an award, the congregation must demonstrate that they meet all the criteria across each award area; spiritual living, practical living, and global living.
Kilbarchan Parish Church has been especially commended by the assessors for:
· The commitment of our Green Champions group in raising environmental awareness by being embedded in all formal structures in the congregation.
· Our inclusion of volunteers within our projects and reaching out to the wider community.
· The clear communication of eco-matters in our magazine, website and displayed in halls.
· Our engagement with local recycling company ENVA to explain what happened with household waste and importance of putting it in the correct bin.
Graham Mackay is once again taking part in the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation Challenge. Not only is Graham cycling 500 miles on e-bike or stationary bike but will also be alcohol and crisp/nut free during the challenge .
Donations to Graham's fundraiser can be made from the link below.
Graham has successfully completed the challenge and has raised £1,275, surpassing his £1,000 target.
We are currently undertaking a survey to help us understand the needs and interests of our community. Specifically our youth community. If you are under 25 and live in the area we would greatly appreciate you taking part in this short survey. This will only take a few minutes of your time.
Howwood Church Guild meets every 2nd Monday in Howwood Parish Church Hall at 2pm. For more information and a full syllabus follow the link below.
At their meeting on Tuesday 25th June 2024, Kilbarchan Kirk Session accepted the basis of linkage with Howwood Parish Church..
Stephen has agreed to conducting worship in both Howwood and Kilbarchan from Sunday 1st September 2024.
Following a vote taken after worship on 18th August both congregations voted unanimously in favour of the basis of linkage.
Revised times of worship will begin from Sunday 1st September 2024. These will be 9.45am in Howwood and 11.15am in Kilbarchan.
On Tuesday 1st October there was a lovely Service of Linkage in Howwood Parish Church formalising the linkage.
Renfrewshire Foodbank is undertaking a re-branding exercise as part of Trussel Trust. This, of course, has no bearing on the need being experienced throughout Renfrewshire.
Items in short supply just now are:
UHT Milk, Long Life Diluting Juice, Tinned Meat, Soup, Fish, Fruit, and Vegetables, Crisps, Jam, Marmalade, Pasta, Cleaning Products, Toiletries, Sanitary Products, and Carrier Bags.
Playlist for Life is a lovely way of helping those living with dementia. A playlist of personally meaningful music can provide that little spark of memory that can mean so much. Please visit their website to find out more.
As a result of a tremendous amount of research and work by a small group of Church members, it has been possible to collate details of most of the graves in our Church Graveyard. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please speak to lan Trushell for details of the various formats available.
Aaron is coming to an end of his training to become an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament within the Church of Scotland. Aaron has been with us for 15 months and we have thoroughly enjoyed his involvement in the life of our congregation. We are absolutely delighted that Aaron will now be with us until the Summer of 2025.
If you would like to subscribe to Life and Work magazine please speak to Isabelle Robertson. It is a monthly subscription and will cost £42 for 12 magazines.
It is also possible to subscribe to a digital copy which costs £20.99 for 12 copies or £1.99 for a single copy.
Life and Work magazine is featuring a monthly Presbytery Focus, and the April issue will feature Clyde. There is the option for individuals to purchase single copies in print or digital format via the magazine's website - digital issue only £2.99 and print £3.50 Please speak to Christine or look at the poster on the hall ce board for more information.
Admin is painfully aware that some of the content included in the Groups & Organisations page is out of date. Can all church organisations please have a look and let admin know of any changes that are required? Thanks